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Nicholas Kitchen

Violinist Nicholas Kitchen has performed throughout the world both as soloist and chamber musician, most significantly as founding member and first violinist of the Borromeo String Quartet for 30 years. He has extensively performed and worked on projects with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, the Library of Congress, and Performance Today, and has initiated many innovative collaborations, combining multiple forms of artistic expression with performance.

The BSQ has performed his acclaimed transcriptions of Bach’s Goldberg Variations and the Well-Tempered Clavier Book I internationally, the latter of which the Quartet released on an acclaimed premiere recording which hit the billboard charts. A passionate educator, he often leads discussions enhanced by projections of handwritten manuscripts, investigating with the audience the creative process of the composer, and has lectured and given master classes across the globe, and has encourage audiences and students of all ages to explore and listen to both traditional and contemporary repertoire in new ways.

October 25

Yeesun Kim Kitchen

November 2

Jean Hanff Korelitz