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M. Soledad Caballero

Soledad is a Macondo and CantoMundo fellow, winner of the 2019 Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts’ Joy Harjo Poetry Prize and the 2020 SWWIM SWWIM-For-the-Fun-of-It contest. She has been a finalist for the Missouri Review's Jeffry E. Smith poetry prize, the Mississippi Review's annual editor's prize, and the Lucille Medwick Memorial Award, and she has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes. Her poems have appeared in the Missouri Review, the Iron Horse Literary Review, Memorius, the Crab Orchard Review, and other venues. Her collection, I Was a Bell (2021), won the 2019 Benjamin Saltman poetry prize and was published by Red Hen Press.

Soledad is a Professor of English and chair of the Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at Allegheny College. Her scholarly work focuses on British Romanticism, travel writing, post-colonial literatures, WGSS, and interdisciplinarity. She splits her time between Pittsburgh and Meadville, Pennsylvania. She is an avid tv watcher and a terrible birder.

December 7

Pedro Galvan

December 18

Michael Harmon