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Hilene Flanzbaum

Photo credit: Tad Pritchett

Hilene Flanzbaum is one of the most recognized authorities on the Holocaust in American culture. The editor of The Americanization of the Holocaust (Johns Hopkins University Press), Flanzbaum lectures on many of the representations of the Holocaust that have proven both popular and controversial including Spielberg's "Schindler's List," Begnini's "Life is Beautiful," Nemirovsky's "Suite Francaise" and Oprah Winfrey's appropriation of Wiesel's Night.

She has been the keynote speaker at several major conferences about the Holocaust including Northwestern University's Lessons and Legacies conference, the University of Hamburg's The Holocaust, Art and Taboo and the Advanced Institute of Holocaust Studies's scholar-in-residence series.

Also an expert on Jewish American Literature, Flanzbaum is the managing editor of Jewish-American Literature: A Norton Anthology, the first collection to document the complete history and literature of Jews in the U.S.

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