Chris Millis is a prize-winning novelist, screenwriter, producer, cartoonist, and best-selling celebrity collaborator. His first novel, Small Apartments (Anvil Press, 2001), won the 23rd Annual International 3-Day Novel Contest, which Playboy Magazine called "a coffee-fueled, plot-weaving, literary juggernaut." Canada's prestigious Globe and Mailsaid of Small Apartments: "brisk and compact ... surprisingly expansive thematic breadth, a thoughtful, silly yet serious study in goofy pathos. Millis holds a M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Goddard College, Vermont and a B.A. in Studio Art from S.U.N.Y Buffalo State College. Along the way, Millis has worked as an art director, daily editorial cartoonist, editor, sportswriter, and hot dog vendor on the hardscrabble streets of Buffalo, NY. Presented with The Betsy Screenwriters' Workshop.