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Cedra Walton

Cedra Walton, daughter of famed pianist Cedar Walton and President of the S E Group. She has over 10 years experience creating and producing film. Ms. Walton is currently writing a book on her dad, a noted jazz pianist. Cedra Walton came across a story about an L.A.-based music marketing and promotions company with a grand street rep and long roster of impressed clients.

Stepping out on inspiration and faith, she headed to Hollywood, earning a meeting with the president of the aforementioned firm that led to her eventually landing a position as his assistant. Mission accomplished: Over 30 years later, Walton's determination and optimistic energy have resulted in a rich professional history that includes having founded two pioneering marketing/promo outfits -- one of which created the West Coast's first all-woman street team and nabbed HBO's highest ratings for original programming -- leaving many a satisfied client in her wake, brands that include Sony Pictures, Disney, ALIZE, Starbucks, Comcast, AEG and record labels like Tommy Boy, Ruthless, Atlantic, and Columbia.

January 21

Rebekah Heller

February 2

Carolyn Burns Bass